Saturday, April 26, 2008


so after my spiteful improvisation, i realized it is one thing to thrash out at this blog and another thing to actually participate in it. so, following the "rules" of this game, i have recorded this little guitar piece for sample madness.

friendly sunshine

it is awkward at the loop because i did it wrong. break it to pieces!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

wigwam/ nanny guns

paul and i have started a music project called either "wigwam" or "nanny guns". we are looking for people with better equipment or singing skills to help us with our songs. our current recorded tracks are:

1. Cadillacs and Candy Canes
2. Double Dip my Swizzle Stick
3. Fuck Tits and Brass
4. Old Man Tune - tha Cheap Ass Mix
5. I got the Runs

who wants to lick the envelope and seal their fate? holla

Friday, August 31, 2007

Manifesto 1.0

The Open Source Music Project is an online recording project, like a cross between a game of Telephone and an Exquisite Corpse.

The Open Source Project is envisioned as a way for all of us to work with people that we don’t normally work with, whether it be for logistical, geographical, or other reasons. It’s also a way to try a different method of songwriting. Through collaboration, what were once weaknesses will become strengths, at least that's the idea.

Henry Ford was onto some shit.

Again, this manifesto is a work in progress. I'd like everyone's input and ideas on this, so please get up on the comments. What do you guys think?

Guidelines / Instructions

Alright, it's been a while... Here are the working guidelines for the project:

The 1st person creates a phrase no longer than 30 seconds and posts it to the site. The 2nd person creates another phrase to accompany the first phrase and then posts that phrase to the site. The 3rd person creates a phrase to accompany only the second phrase and then posts that phrase to the server, and so on and so forth until we make a full rotation.

Once all the phrases are posted to the site, everyone will have access to all the phrase files and can create their own arrangements and mixes, which will be posted to the site for everyone to check out.

The guidelines are a work in progress. If you have any ideas on this stuff, throw them out there and we'll see what sticks.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Preludes and Quaaludes

Registration invites should be sitting in your inbox now, so sign up soon if you haven't already.

Some of you know each other, some of you don't, so feel free to introduce yourself in the comments if you so please.

Explanations, manifestos, and technical details will be posted next week, then the project begins...

Alright people, stay golden.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Pump Fake

More info coming soon, but this is home for now.
We'll be up and running by the middle of the month, so come back then...